Britwell Hill


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near Britwell Salome, Oxfordshire OX49 5HD

Direction to Start

Nearest postcode is OX49 5HD, giving the top of the hill.

The location is just south east of Britwell Salome (turn off the B4009 at the Red Lion). Climb starts, where the Ridgeway crosses the road.

Lay-by area available for parking

Take the bus from Oxford to Watlington and walk via the paths linking to the Ridgeway.

Distance/ Height Gain

Distance 1km, Height Gain 85m.


Country road, tends to be rougher, with some loose gravel in centre. Good for classic. Ok for skate if you‘re confident skiing in centre of road.

Safety Details hill. Walk down.

The road is normally quiet and is straight so visibility is good for you and drivers. Hi‑visibility vest is suggested.

There is wide grass verge at road side, so easy to step off road to let vehicles pass.


Watlington has supermarket. Major towns and Oxford short drive away

Other Details

Motorists might stop to watch or photograph you, try not to let the side down!

Details by MCCSC & Thames Valley Cross-Country Ski Club
Last updated 1-8-2014